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CSI 11x13 The Two Mrs. Grissoms: Preview

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CSI 11.13 "The Two Mrs. Grissoms"

Sara clashes with her mother-in-law and a woman from Gil's past when the CSIs investigate a car bombing tied to the faculty and students at a local college's Department of Deaf Cultural Studies...

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Most surgeons grew up as freaks. While other kids played outside, we hold up in our rooms memorizing our periodic table, hovering for hours over our junior microscopes, dissecting our first frogs.


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They say lightning never strikes twice, but that is a myth. It doesn't happen often, lightening usually gets it right the first time. When you're hit with 30,000 amps of electricity you feel it. It can make you forget who you are. It can burn you, blind you, stop your heart. And cause massive internal injuries. But, for something that happens in only a millisecond, it can change your life forever.

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Every cell in the human body regenerates on average every seven years. Like snakes, in our own way we shed our skin. Biologically we are brand new people. We may look the same, we probably do, the change isn't visible at least in most of us, but we are all changed completely forever.



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這集裡面的crsitina的剖白有虐到我(我本來就是YANG的big fan),



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