但聽到老葛那句痛徹心肺的Stay with me,Warrick!!
和Oh~my god!我的淚要噴出來了。
以下是編劇兼製作人David Rambo 的訪問(大略的):
原來老葛蜂房向Sara求婚那段鏡頭是David Rambo 他想出來的,但求婚的想法是WP想出來的,他覺得是時候了,呵,而他到某處養蜂場時忽然有了這個想法,就寫出來,而演員也很喜歡這個場景,當天拍攝時天氣非常炎熱,但是Billy和Jorja表現的很好。
David Rambo is a producer/writer for CSI and our GSR God. He agree very kindly to do an interview with GSRForeverLove.com
Thank you so very much for taking the time to do an email interview with grissomandsaraforeverlove.wetpaint.com wiki. You have no idea how much it means to all of us. We realize you cannot talk about episodes that haven't aired yet so we will do our best to contain ourselves and behave, but it will be hard. We all are very passionate about our show and our characters. We record and/or own ALL epi's and basically critique them, looking for all the GSR clues we can find.
Keri, aka PiperGrissom(36) is a wife, mother of 3, and works full time as a bank teller. She is the creator and motivator of both grissomandsaraforeverlove.wetpaint.com and crazybillyfans.wetpaint.com wiki's. She is VERY creative and has so much passion for GSR. Gina, aka ilovegsr(37), is a wife, mother of 2, and works full time as a medical biller. She is the second in command of the GSR wiki and co-creator of the crazybillyfans wiki. She is obsessivly crazy with William Petersen, well, we both are for that matter. We both write fanfiction (usually smut), make GSR videos, and collect as much CSI/GSR things as our money allows us. We can honestly say, we eat, sleep, and work GSR.
Keri started the GSR wiki because we found that so many GSR sites out there had the dumbest rules (such as having to post so many lines, can't talk about any spoilers that you may have heard, etc.) We wanted a site that you could feel comfortable in and could say what you wanted as long as it is pro-GSR. The only rule we have is to NOT bash the GSR, Jorja, or Billy.
GSRForever- First off, we would like to start by asking if you are involved in any other projects besides CSI?
Rambo- Yes, I'm developing a couple of pilots for Paramount. I continue to work in the theatre as well; several productions of my play THE LADY WITH ALL THE ANSWERS will be mounted across the US this season, and I've got a musical up my sleeve for an L.A. premiere in 2010.
GSRForever- How many of season nine's episodes are you writing?
Rambo- So far, I only know that I'm writing 908, but at this point we haven't assigned out many episodes beyond 912.
GSRForever- You are a good looking guy, do you ever go in front of the camera?
Rambo- Aw, shucks... thanks. But my acting days are behind me.
GSR Forever- What is YOUR favorite CSI epi?
Rambo-I can't pick one. "Butterflied" was such an extraordinary experience. "Kiss-Kiss, Bye-Bye" was demanding and great fun -- Danny Cannon and I looked at that as our chance to make a golden-era Hollywood movie and we had a fantastic time. I also really like "Law of Gravity," "Built to Kill, parts 1 and 2" and the season 9 premiere, which is just devastating to watch, beautifully done in every respect. "You Kill Me" is a guilty pleasure and made "no sign of sexual assault" an office catchphrase.
GSRForever- GSR moment?
Rambo-The proposal.
GSRForever- Grissom moment?
His monologue at the end of "Butterflied." We rewrote and rewrote and rewrote that until Billy took the best of my version and added his own spin. It was filmed in wee hours of the morning at the end of a long day, and he did it magnificently take after take after take.
GSRForever- Sara moment?
Rambo- I think Jorja's marvelous reading the sonnet in "Leapin' Lizards." I also love her cab ride out of "Vegas" at the end of "Dead Doll."
GSRForever- How long does it take to get from story conception to airtime?
Rambo- It varies. The episode I'm writing now (908) is based on research I started two years ago. "Bull" - which I loved writing - was researched for about a year. Other stories get kicked around for a few weeks before we go into the writers room to organize ideas on the white boards. That takes about a week, then another week to ten days to write the script, followed by a week of rewriting. Episodes are shot in 9 weekdays, occasionally less, and occasionally on weekends as well. About 6 to 8 weeks later, the episode is ready for airing.
GSRForever- Do the producers have an idea about what they want for a season, then tell the writers to write it, or is it more of a joint effort?
Rambo- It's a directed joint effort. Carol Mendelsohn and Naren Shankar are very generous showrunners and excellent listeners. They generally discuss the tone and shape of the season together first, then share their thoughts with us and allow everyone to pitch in as things evolve.
GSRForever- Do the actors,writers, producers etc, know about all the fan sites?
And if they do, do they visit them?
Rambo-I'm pretty sure everyone knows about at least a few of them. I don't know who visits. When I first came on the show, I visited occasionally. However, I really hate spoilers -- so many sites seem to enjoy them, and so many have been flat-out wrong, that I stopped visiting.
We always hear that the GSR fans and the anit-GSR fans are split 50/50. Is this really the case?
Rambo- I have no idea. I just write the characters as they evolve, which is a collaborative pursuit, and hope the fans know we're always doing our best. I get more pro-GSR fan mail than anti-GSR, which is fine with me because the anti-GSR mail is really hateful! The GSR really pushes buttons for some people.
GSRForever- Will we ever get to find out exactly WHEN the romance officially began? (Most of us think it was after Grave Danger but we would REALLY like to know for sure.)
Rambo- That remains to be seen...
GSRForever- Has Billy and Jorja told you how they feel about the GSR storyline?
Rambo- The storyline has always been developed with their input. Many of the key moments have been written directly from Billy or Jorja saying, "What if...?" What's so good about them, is that they understand CSI: is a forensics show first and foremost; the character moments have to amplify or deepen the character's action in invetsigatng crimes.
GSRForever- Do Billy and Jorja really have a lot of input into the GSR storyline?
Rambo- Absolutely. See above.
GSRForever- Are you, BIlly,Jorja and all aware of the desire for Grissom and Sara to have a geekbaby? (Fans are just dying for one!)
Rambo- I know I've heard from many fans on that. Some have even suggested names.
GSRForever- Do you put in butterflies on purpose for the GSR? (we tend to think you do!)
Rambo- When I do, it's simply carrying forth an already established theme. It's always a good metaphor for the capacity to change and to take flight.
GSRForever- Will we ever find out about the cocoon?
Rambo- I think it may be left unresolved. It can be whatever you need it to be. I like to think that it's still in Grissom's office in a terrarium (it actually is, last time I checked), as a reminder...
GSRForever- The bees?
Rambo-Stay tuned.
GSRForever- The proposal?
Rambo- One my favorite scenes ever. It was Bily's idea that Grissom ask Sara to get married, but to do it in an unexpected, spontaneous way at work. I spent a day with a beekeeper to do the research. I wore the full suit and netted helmet. As I was driving home, it struck me that it would be interesting to see the proposal while they were in bee helmets -- sort of a metaphor for the obstacles to their attraction. Billy and Jorja loved it. It was filmed on blazingly hot day, the suits were terribly uncomfortable for them, yet they delivered so much in take after take.
GSRForever- Is Hank just Grissom's dog or is he Grissom and Sara's dog? (BTW, we don't really like the name Hank, for obvious reasons. LOL!!)
Rambo- I don't think we ever settled on that. But he's a real trouper. The set's always happier when he's working.
GSRForever- Why do we keep seeing Lady Heather, when we keep reading that the ratings tend to decline when she's on?
Rambo-Remember that she's an important element in Grissom's understanding of himself. She's the only person he can speak with about anything -- even about Sara. They've been through a lot together. Having him interact with Lady Heather also allows us to explore aspects of Grissom's psyche that we can't show in other ways.
GSRForever- We KNOW you can't tell us any spoilers but can you tell us if GSR fans will be satisfied with the way Grissom leaves in eppy 10?
Rambo- I have no idea. I can only say, "Dont miss it!"
GSRForever- Is this the final season for CSI? We sure hope that when it is over, "The Grissoms" WILL come back for the finale.
Rambo- CSI: has years and years ahead. I'm astonished at how long it's stayed on top of ratings and captured the imagination of viewers worldwide. Very rare today in TV. That's partially because we are never satisfied with where the show has been, and always challenge ourselves to go where we haven't been before, without losing the essence of the show. It will evolve and change, but will always ask, "Who are you?"
GSRForever-We NEED to tell you how happy we have been knowing that Jorja is coming back. We also NEED to tell you that we are very sad that Billy will not be on every week. But we do feel that if we always know that Grissom and Sara are always together, we can deal with it. That is what keeps us going. We THANK YOU again so VERY much for taking this time for us. You will continue to be our GSR "God" and we will forever be thankful for all you do!! We also thank everyone that has a hand in making CSI Las Vegas, the best show ever!!
Thank you