CSI magazine 自前幾季裏票選出你最喜愛的,以下是開票結果:
1. Best Season One episode:
1st - 110 - Sex, Lies & Larvae
2nd - 109 Unfiendly Skies
3rd - 107 Blood Drops
2. Best Season Two episode:
1st - 223- The Hunger Artist
2nd - 205 - Scuba Doobie Doo
3rd - 216 - Primum Non Nocere
3. Best Season Three episode:
1st - 322 - Play with Fire
2nd - 315 - Lady Heather's Box
3rd - 309 - Blood Lust
4. Best season four episode:
1st - 412 - Butterflied
2nd - 404 - Invisible Evidence
3rd - Tie: 406 - Fur and Loathing/ 423 - Bloodlines
啊,經典的Butterflied 是我的最愛...
5. Best season 5 episode:
1st - 524 - Grave Danger
2nd - 513 - Nesting Dolls
3rd - 521 - Committed
6. Best season 6 episode:
1st - 624 - Way To Go
2nd - 621 - Rashomama
3rd - 605 - Gum Drops
我很喜歡 Rashomama,整集讓我從頭笑到尾,可惜8季到九季沒有再出現這樣可愛的劇情了。
7. Best season 7 episode:
1st - 718 - Empty Eyes
2nd - 724 - Living Doll
3rd - 721 - Ending Happy
Empty eyes裏開頭,sara虧老葛(我的約會取消了)
還有Ending happy裏,You make me happy!
8. Best season 8 episode:
1st - 801 - Dead Doll
2nd - 807 - Goodbye and Goodluck
3rd - 817 - For Gedda
9. Best Overall episode:
1st - 801 - Dead Doll
2nd - 412 - Butterflied
3rd - 524 - Grave Danger
10. Best director:
1st - Kenneth Fink
2nd - Richard J. Lewis
3rd - Danny Cannon
11. Best writer:
1st - David Rambo :)
2nd - Sarah Goldfinger
3rd - Carol Mendelsohn
12.Best Grissom one-liner:
1st - "Since I Met You" - Grissom to Sara in episode 216 Primum Non Nocere
2nd - "Crazy or not here we come" (Committed)
3rd - "I'm wrong all the time. That's how I eventually get to right" (Justice Is Served)
13. Best Guest Star - Male:
1st - Liev Schreiber as Mike Keppler
2nd - Roger Daltrey as Mickey Dunn
3rd - Matt O'Toole as Paul Milander
14. Best Guest Star - Female:
1st - Jessica Collins as Natalie Davis
2nd - Melinda Clark ass Lady Heather
3rd - Faye Dunaway as Lois O'Neill
15. Best use of a song:
1st - Who Are You (CSI theme song) by the who
2nd - Unbound (sung by Robbie Robertson in the Hunger Artist)
3rd - Running Up that Hill (sung by Placebo in A La Cart)
16. Most memorable crime scene:
1st - Sara under a mustang in the desert (Dead Doll)
2nd - Miniature Killer Miniatures (various episodes in season seven)
3rd - Shower Death (Butterflied)
17. Most memorable death:
1st - Warrick Brown (For Warrick)
2nd - Holly Gribbs (Cool Change)
3rd - Michael Keppler Law of Gravity)
18.Coolest Scientific Gadget/ Technique/ Tool:
1st - Luminol (from various episodes)
2nd - Jello Man (from Who Shot Sherlock)
3rd - Red Crepper Fingerprint powder (from Anonymous)
19. Funniest Moment:
1st - Greg's version of events in Rashomama(這段我也覺得很有趣~~超喜歡這段的小葛)
2nd - Grissom, Doc Robbins and the rat (Lab Rats)(法醫和老葛抓老鼠,那段法醫還帶防護罩被老葛笑,喂~你以為人家跟你一樣什麼都敢放到嘴裡嘗呀!)
3rd - The unlucky events that lead to a man being buried in cement (Loco Motives)(這集真的很好笑,那個雖小到家的老頭棄屍還被困在水泥裏....)
20. Most romantic moment:
1st - The bee proposal (The Case Of The Cross-Dressing Carp)
2nd - Grissom holds Sara's hand in the helicopter (Dead Doll)
3rd - Catherine falls into Warrick's Arms (Down the Drain)