Catherine: Sara, I know you walked into some fireworks in the break
Sara: What, Ecklie? Please.
Cath: No, I just read Riley's exit interview. She had some harsh
things to say about my leadership. That the team's fractured. That it
lacks cohesion. Because of me. Because of my managerial style. I don't
know, I admit it. I admit that things are different since Grissom
Sara: Well, its like when a great baseball team loses its best cleanup
hitter. Suddenly everybody is swinging for the fences and nobody is
playing small ball.
Cath: You're using a baseball analogy.
Sara: Uh Apparently part of being married is attempting to share in
your spouses interests…
Cath: (laughs) Okay. It's just a weird side of you (not sure of that).
Sara: I know. (laughs). Look you still have a lot of great players.
And some new talent. Maybe you just need to reshuffle your lineup.
Cath: English please?
Sara: You are a great CSI, Catherine. And you know how to manage your
team. The only that that Grissom had that you don't is…you.