這集裡面的crsitina的剖白有虐到我(我本來就是YANG的big fan),
開場白:the skin is the largest organ in the body - it protects us. Holds us together. Literally lets us know what we are feeling. The skin can be soft and vulnerable. Highly sensitive, easy to break. Skin doesn't matter to a surgeon. We will cut right through it, go inside, find out the secrets underneath. It takes delicacy and sensitivity,本集有回到最初的GA感覺。
超龐大的肥男,胖到連走路都會傷到自己,還好他有個不離不棄的好老婆,就算他放棄了自己,老婆卻一直不願放棄他,這個她深愛的男人,胖到連男人的老婆宣布自己懷孕時,一向謹慎的Lexie都脫口而出How?! I mean, wow! Congratulations! That's joyous news.我看到這段時笑倒在電腦前面。
Alex: Look, I am sorry we've been tip toeing around you all day trying not to make jokes, but you are the one who's got to stop. Stop calling yourself the fat guy. You've got a wife that loves you - that stuck by you through all of this. You did something right to deserve that. Look, I know what it's like to have life hand you so much crap that you just want to sit on the couch and die, but you got to look at what's in front of you. You can't just walk out on her now. She deserves better. Chances are you are gonna die on that table, then you get what you want. But, at least your wife will think you tried. She will tell your kid that you tried. Give them that at least.
McDreamy這集面對病患家屬的控訴,又要面對下屬與老婆間的紛爭,Meredith看來還沒適應身為Chief Sheperd的那些轉變,比如說枕邊細語,牽涉到第三人時,還是不能外洩,尤其是你也是這間公司的員工時。
No matter how thick skinned we try to be, there's millions of electrifying nerve endings in there. Open and exposed and feeling way too much. Try as we might to keep from feeling pain, sometimes it's just unavoidable. Sometimes that's the only thing left - just feeling.