不過David Rambo說最終有GSR的隱喻~~~

Spoilers For 8x15 In a Reply From Rambo!
Hi It's me again,
I just wanted to let you know that the members of the GSR Forever Love Wiki are loving this part of the season and are looking forward to more.
I am wondering about something and without giving anything away, can you tell me if there really is something to listen for in the 8x15 episode? I have read that on several of my other GSR boards and groups. Just wondering.
Thanks again for the great work that you all do each and every day...you are all appreciated.
Your loyal fan always,
PiperGrissom-Creator and Moderator of the GSR Forever Love Wiki
Rambo's Reply!
Thanks for this message, too. While I really can't comment on future episodes, I can tell you to listen closely to the final scene of 815. There a subtle allusion in the dialogue. By the way, I just screened the episode in editing, and I have to say it's a lot of fun. Very reminiscent of the kinds of wild rides we took in the early seasons. i hope you'll enjoy it.
Sincerely yours,
David Rambo
Grissom : String theory is the theory of everything. Quantum mechanics tells us about the very small. The theory of relativity explains the immense. String theory ties them all together. It proposes that atomic particles are made up of infinitesimal vibrating loops of energy or strings. Each string vibrates at its own frequency like on a violin, producing notes and these notes makes up everything in the universe.
Catherine : Cosmic symphony.
Grissom : These strings have been combining and recombining ever since the Big Bang. So the connections between our victims or any of us are not that extraordinary.
Nick : But everyone of them thought they were alone.
Warrick : Too bad they didn't buy Grissom's theory.
Greg : In a parallel universe, maybe they're all having breakfast together.
Catherine : In this universe, maybe we are. and you're buying.
Grissom : No strings attached.
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